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Thursday, August 14, 2008


The fourth annual NYSE Euronext CEO report is the product of input from CEOs representing more than 250 NYSE Euronext member companies. Questions included: Where does corporate growth lie? What risks and stumbling blocks could threaten revenues and profits? How do you perceive the U.S. economy going forward? And, in this election year, what advice would you offer the next U.S. president? Answers formed the basis for the report’s theme: “Managing During Economic Turbulence.”

This year’s respondents share a view that the economy has changed radically; just 10 percent of U.S. CEOs call the domestic economy good (none say it is excellent), compared with 84 percent who labeled it good or excellent a year ago. The CEO view mirrors that of the public at large, with 83 percent of U.S. adults calling the economy fair or poor, in an Opinion Research Corp./Caravan poll conducted in mid-March. The collective CEO views translate to a return to basics as respondents say they are focusing on strong balance sheets, sensible acquisitions and efforts to attract and keep the best workforce.


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